

Green Thumb Sunday Reds


Things have been starting to grow. The weather has been warm so my plants have been starting to come alive again. Now I can finally put the small plants I have in peat pots outside day and night.

Just last week I planted all the seeds I had bought a few months ago. The Osteospermum African Moon, Gaillardia Razzle Dazzle, Stock Tudor, and another plant have started to sprout.

Cocktail Vodka Begonia

Yesterday I bought some pots to replant plants into. The cocktail vodka begonias survived great outside and all 4 of those are now planted in a large container. My mint got put in a larger pot it was seriously rootbound. The corkscrew vine got planted into a larger container because it needs to grow and expand and had roots coming out the bottom of the peat pot. I'm excited that the corkscrew vine has survived now I can only hope it does well outside. The previous corkscrew vine that I left outside through the frost has started to grow very well. I had repotted the ill corkscrew vine in hopes that it would heal it's self up. It had come down with something because of the water lodged soil that it was planted in. Really I thought it would not make it and just die but it's starting to strengthen back up. There are more plants I need to repot to a larger container. I've ran out of soil though and need to go buy more before I do that.

red/green coleus
Red and Green Coleus

Green Thumb Sunday

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love coleus also and your pictures are jewel like!