

Wordless Wednesday:: Jewels of Opar

jewels of opar
Jewels of Opar. Just obtained from the plant exchange at Festival of Flowers.


stan said...

oh wow! your close ups are just so intimate and gorgeous. These buds have different colours!

Element said...

you got some great plants. Be careful with the jewels. They are evasive. I had them sprout up in all my pots and several flower beds. Lovely plants though!

Dragonfly LAdy said...

I've never seen these before, I love the close up photography!

viagra online said...

I think that it is a great Festival of Flowers.so I think that the photo is so nice ,I would like to get more of this photos.

Roses and Tomatoes said...

Oh my goodness....this is beautiful. I am going to have to try to find one of these.